I came across this in my Instagram news feed and it got stuck in my mind..... because I don't think WRONG PARENTS exist and who we are to judge ???? It just depends on the person, what's wrong or what's right... I know that there are different kinds of parents …they are like that because of the environment around them in which they are bought up or the experiences they have faced in their life...or something else...we can't define it. There are 'n' number of parents (there might be single parent also) around the world who work so hard for their children just to see them HAPPY ...by giving them what ever they want. A child is always special to his/her parents. where I believe it isn't wrong parents or wrong combination of newborn and parents.. because we never knew the worth of anything till it is for free...I will tell why... generally if you observe ..if a child is born in poor family he always wants to be educated or he has some unique tal...